A heartfelt vision for necessary change
By Atrish Sanchez
The collective yearning for change rings through every corner of our beloved Gibraltar. From families despairing with our overstretched public services, to young people longing for more opportunity—better job prospects, a richer quality of life—it is evident that political change is not just desirable; It’s become an absolute necessity.
In every heartbeat across Gibraltar, there's a story—a story of everyday people and the daily challenges of navigating this broken system. A responsible, sensitive Government should listen to these stories and act on their valuable feedback. Instead, our Government consistently chooses arrogance, shooting down the messengers of constructive criticism, and silencing those who dissent from their ridiculous narrative of constant, unimpeachable success.
It is abundantly clear that our current administration has lost touch with the daily struggles faced by ordinary working-class families. An example of the GSLP’s idea of Governance is the grand new entrance to our hospital: employing funds generously donated by the people of Gibraltar for a cosmetic touch-up, while critical healthcare needs remain unmet. Façade, façade and more façade, that is the current modus operandi of an administration managing a Gibraltar in obvious decline.
We urgently need honest, sensible leadership capable of understanding and addressing the real, pressing issues at the heart of our community, as well as meticulous planning, judicious resource management, and efficient service delivery—a government that serves all its people, not just the privileged few.
I dream of a Gibraltar where politics and governance are synonymous with transparency, sincerity, and a genuine connection with every person. We don’t just want to create a platform where every voice is heard—we want to build a community where every concern is addressed, every opinion valued, and everyone respected. Our mission is to listen intently and to turn the hopes and needs of our people into policies that improve every corner of Gibraltar, regardless of who they are, what they believe and who they vote for.
As a forward-thinking GSD party, we’re all about substantive policies and clear commitments for the future—Gibraltar deserves leaders who not only make promises but keep them. Our young people, the architects of our future, deserve real opportunities to build their future in their homeland, whether it’s through apprenticeships, vocational training, or support programs. We must address long-neglected issues like anti-social behaviour, youth offending, and addiction. The role of a responsible Government should not be to sustain young people by providing for their basic needs in a broken system, it should be to nurture their potential and help them obtain the tools to thrive in a system that provides ample opportunities for personal and professional development.
We want a government that is truly in touch with the realities of those who depend on our health and social services—a government that listens to our dedicated professionals and crafts policies that serve everyone and prepare us for the future.
From a personal standpoint, I offer my dedication to supporting the most vulnerable through my work in civil society, as a testament to my personal commitment. For the past several years, alongside many committed citizens, we’ve worked relentlessly to make real, meaningful improvements for the Special Educational Needs community in Gibraltar, and I pledge to bring the same dedication, pragmatism and commitment to our parliament if deemed worthy by this community.
I believe this authenticity and passion runs through our entire lineup, and I truly believe the GSD is not just presenting solutions in this election campaign; but committing to them. From implementing a comprehensive code of practice for special educational needs to establishing a quality care commission, we aspire to lay down the building blocks for a Gibraltar that supports every individual, every family - especially those who need it the most.
The journey ahead is about moving forward together, planning wisely, and breaking away from reactive decision-making. It’s about bringing a transparent and accountable approach to every aspect of our governance—from public finances to education, from healthcare to the state of our streets. We’re advocating for an environment where our dedicated professionals can focus on what they do best—serving Gibraltar.
Together, let’s step into a new era of progress and prosperity for Gibraltar—an inclusive future where no one is left behind and every person is valued. It’s not just about change; it’s about making that change together, for each and every Gibraltarian.