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Gaming sector welcomes framework agreement, highlights importance of border fluidity

Photo by Johnny Bugeja

Maintaining a fluid border will protect jobs in the gaming sector and encourage growth, the Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association said, as it welcomed the New Year’s Eve framework agreement for the Rock’s post-Brexit relationship with the EU.

“Our members employ many cross-border workers and so any opportunity to prevent a hard border and maintain border fluidity is welcomed,” the GBGA’s Board said in a statement.

“The industry is a major economic sector for Gibraltar, the largest private sector employer, and its prosperity has always been linked closely to the availability of highly skilled individuals, some of whom reside in Spain.”

“A fluid border will allow the continued investment which will maintain employment and hopefully lead to the sector’s continued growth.”

The GBGA noted that there were still “many loose ends” that needed to be addressed during the negotiations towards a UK/EU treaty stemming from the framework agreement.

It said it supported the Chief Minister and the Gibraltar Government as it worked to resolve the remaining issues.

“Our members and sector employees look forward to a successful conclusion of the negotiations so that we can continue to build the sector and maintain economic support at this difficult time and contribute to the ongoing prosperity of Gibraltar and the surrounding region,” the GBGA said.

“The GBGA looks forward to Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar continued work in close consultation with the sector so that long term commitments can be made to Gibraltar.”

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