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The imperative need for change

By Giovanni Origo

I am proud to stand as a candidate for the GSD in this upcoming election, advocating for change and for a brighter future for our Gibraltar.

As a soon to be 30-year old adult, some may wonder why I have decided to get involved with politics, at such a relatively young age, and to that my answer is simple - because politics is part of our everyday life, and it affects each one of us.

Being actively engaged in politics is a way to have a say in the decisions that impact us all. From the mundane, to the monumental. It is a means to shape the Gibraltar that we live in, and it is a responsibility that we all share.

With a background in law and finance and a fervent interest in new technology development and building a sustainable future, I am committed to bringing fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to our community.

As a lawyer by trade, having worked for the past five years at one of Gibraltar’s leading law firms, I have dedicated my career thus far to upholding justice, advocating for fairness, and protecting the rights of individuals.

I believe in the power of the law to bring about positive change to our society, and I am committed to applying my legal expertise to address the issues that matter most to our community.

I firmly understand the importance of a robust and thriving economy. My keen interest in finance is rooted in the belief that economic stability and prosperity are essential for our community's well-being.

I will work tirelessly to promote policies that foster economic growth, create job opportunities, and ensure financial security for all.


With the elections forthcoming many of you may be wondering whether we shall be better served by our current government of the GSLP/Liberal alliance, or whether Gibraltar could do with a much-needed change and different way of governance, in the form of the GSD.

In the realm of politics, the question of when and why a change in government is necessary is one of paramount importance.

When a single government remains in power for an extended period, it raises concerns about the health of a nation's democracy, the effectiveness of its policies, and the accountability of the government to its people.

Throughout the past 12 years, the GSLP government has been unable to properly deal with issues of waste, abuse and corruption.

Their questionable track record for governance has been second to none.

Another critical aspect of a thriving democracy is accountability. Accountability is fundamentally important to prevent corruption, abuses of power, and a lack of transparency.

The GSLP government of the last 12 years has found it increasingly challenging to hold itself accountable for its actions and decisions to the community at large.

The GSD offers you an opportunity to put an end to that. The GSD stands for a new way of governance.

You will find many of our policy commitments in our manifesto, and I invite you to read them all, that will assist future governments to curtail instances of abuse, waste and corruption, for the benefit of our wider community of Gibraltar.

The clamour for a change in government after 12 years in power is not merely a matter of preference but a fundamental requirement for the health of our democracy.

The desire to put an end to the culture of fear and the lack of transparency of this GSLP government, is unpalatable.

Which brings me back to an old phrase, y como decia mi abuela: “Hay que abrir la ventana para que entre un poco de aire fresco”.

The GSD is that much needed change of fresh air.

The GSD are the experienced and safe pair of hands that Gibraltar so desperately needs.

Come election time on the 12th October, we urge that you trust in us, trust in the GSD for a brighter future y deje que entre ese aire fresco!

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