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Action4Schools delivers 83rd water well

Action4School’s 83rd water well, funded by ARB Australia, a supplier of 4x4 accessories to Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings, is now helping the population of 500 plus residents of Mosanti Village, Sierra Leone.

Representatives of Action4Schools in Sierra Leone described via video the impact the well has made on the locals.

“It is actually a long, long walk to the old water source,” the video said, showing how dirty and dangerous the old water source was.

Chief of the village, Abu Koroma, said: “The water well has saved and will save many lives in the village.”

“We have lost many villagers to the curse of dirty water from the old water source in the forest.”

“We want to thank Action4Schools and Wellfound for the support and for teaching us how to look after the water well for the long term.”

“The well is now our village treasure,” he added.

The chair lady of the village, Zainab Kamara, recalled that before the well was provided they had to walk a long distance to fetch water from the old, dirty, contaminated source in the forest swamp.

“Now we can collect water quickly and safely from the new water well which we can drink and cook with,” she said.

“It’s amazing what you have done for us and we want to thank you so much.”

A statement from ARB said it was wonderful to know it has been able to support the vital work done to provide clean, safe water to needy communities in Sierra Leone.

Jimmy Bruzon from Action4Schools is appealing for people to set up a monthly standing order to help fund more wells.

“Wonderful support from ARB and TGS.....But you don't need to be a large corporate to make a difference, we can all make a difference together,” he said.

Anyone wishing to donate or set up a standing order can contact Mr Bruzon on 5763100.

To donate :
Action4schools-Sierra Leone
Account 48084352 – Sort Code 60-60-60

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