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Linares describes ‘difficult’ decision to step back from frontline politics

Steven Linares was joined by his daughter Christina in Parliament on Wednesday. Both attended to support the GSLP/Liberal candidates who were signing their nomination papers ahead of the election.

Steven Linares described on Wednesday how he had mulled for over a year his decision to retire from politics after 23 years on the front line.

In a personal statement, the Liberal Party MP described how he reached the difficult decision despite having thrown his hat into the ring one last time just days before the selection process began.

“I had been thinking about retirement from politics for over a year,” he said.

“This is always a difficult decision to take for anyone who has been so involved in the cut and thrust of politics nearly all my life, like I have.”

“I originally decided to allow my name to go forward for selection as a candidate, but it was on seeing that there were other people within the Liberal Party ready to take up the mantle, that I decided to withdraw my name.”

Mr Linares said it had been “a genuine privilege” to have served the people of Gibraltar as a teacher for 12 years and in Parliament for 23 years.

“I have enjoyed all the different portfolios enormously which has probably covered more than two thirds of the government and have been proud to form a part of the GSLP/Liberal team who have transformed our community for the better in many different ways,” he said.

“I was very proud to have worked on commissioning the Gas Power Station. Extensively refurbishing the Wellington Front as Minister of Heritage.”

“As Minister for Culture starting events like The Jazz Festival, GMF and many more. Brought the Island Games to our shores resulting in the construction of all the new sporting facilities that has created the legacy of our ever improving sports development.”

“The splendid new Europa Sports Park, the Lathbury Sports Complex and the Special Olympics Complex amongst others are there for all to see and enjoy.”
“And lastly, starting to deliver Gibraltarians with thousands of new homes in my last four years as Minister for Housing, something I am extremely proud of in providing for our community.”

“I intend to support my GSLP/Liberal colleagues during this election campaign since I strongly believe they are the right people to progress Gibraltar to the next level and they have supported me since 2000 when I was first elected to Parliament.”

“I have dedicated my life to our community and my interest for politics goes beyond just policy, I have always fought for the most vulnerable and represented those who have encountered injustices.”

“I’d like to thank the people of Gibraltar for allowing me to have represented them for the last 23 years in Parliament on both sides of the house - 11 in opposition and 12 in government.”

“I will always be around for those who wish to have a chat on any issue that they might have as I am always willing to continue to serve my community.”

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