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Promotions for three RGP detectives

The Royal Gibraltar Police announced promotions to the rank of Sergeant for three of its detectives on Tuesday morning.

Polly O’Neil, Ilias Rahmouni and Mark Perry were all told of their promotions following recommendations made by a Promotion Board consisting of representatives from the Royal Gibraltar Police, the Government and the Gibraltar Police Authority.

Detective O’Neill gained 12 years of experience in Merseyside Police before joining the RGP three years ago and since then she has worked in Response Teams and in Community Policing.

Father-of-two and keen Futsal player, Detective Rahmouni has been a police officer for eight years, four in Response Teams and the rest in Safeguarding, the Economic Crime Unit and in CID.

Almost five years ago, Detective Perry, the son of a UK police officer, came to Gibraltar five years ago with the aim of joining the RGP and occasionally play some golf.

“I’d like to congratulate the three officers on their promotions which are all well deserved,” said the Commissioner of Police Richard Ullger.

“Promotion in the RGP is achieved by hard work and dedication to the service as is clearly evidenced by this announcement today.”

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