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A first for local charities on World Cancer Day

Image Courtesy Of Gibraltar Chronicle

World Cancer Day will be celebrated on the Rock today with a special event at the Piazza involving all of Gibraltar’s cancer charities.

This is the first time such an event is held locally. Breast Cancer Support Gibraltar, Cancer Relief Gibraltar, Cancer Research UK Gib Branch, Prostate Cancer Support Group Gibraltar, RICC, Bloodwise and Pathway through Pain, together with the Gibraltar Health Authority have all joined forces to strengthen the message and the global theme of this year’s campaign for World Cancer Day - We Can. I Can.

The day is about exploring how everyone in the community can do their part to help reduce the global burden of cancer and to continue to raise awareness.

The event locally starts as from 9.30am until about 2pm and will see the presence of each cancer charity on the Rock raising awareness about cancer in general and about their own charity as well as working together to prevent and highlight the need for early detection.