Action for Housing critical of Govt’s housing list policy
Action for Housing said yesterday that it would continue to pressure government for as long as there were shortcomings in Gibraltar’s public housing system.
In a statement, the group welcomed statements made by Housing Minister Samantha Sacramento on GBC’s Viewpoint programme last week, during which she outlined the government’s intention to clamp down on people who abuse the system by renting or selling affordable properties at a profit.
“These flats are provided to offer those who can afford them the opportunity to have a home but not to use them to make a financial gain,” the group said.
The Minister also said that Action for Housing was vociferous in condemning the government for its decision not to allocate flats in the established way and instead, because of its manifesto commitment of 2011, to give preference to those applicants who were on the waiting lists on December 9, 2011.
The group has insisted this is to the detriment of those who entered the lists after this date even if they had more points than those on the so called ‘commitment list’.
Action for Housing said the Ombudsman had also expressed serious concerns over this matter in a 2016 report.
“We have also been vociferous when we have become aware that the system of points and positions of applicants on the lists have not been kept, and that in some cases preference has been given to those who have released Government flats, whereas those who live in private accommodation have not been accommodated even when they have been ahead on the list,” the statement said.
“We must remind the minister that we are a pressure group and that we shall continue to criticise the government and be vociferous for as long as we see shortcomings and unfair practices in the way housing matters are handled.”