Action4Schools funds eight life-saving hernia surgeries in Sierra Leone
The Action4Schools charitable campaign resulted in a further eight hernia procedures being successfully completed in the Masanga Hospital, Sierra Leone.
Action 4 Schools has been sponsoring hernia operations since early last year, giving relief to many children suffering from an umbilical hernia in a country where the condition is very common due to low birth weight and premature births.
Jimmy Bruzon from the charity said that he had received a message from Mohamed Marrah, Headteacher at Advance Orphanage School in Makeni, that eight children from the orphanage school were taken for their surgeries thanks to the people of Gibraltar.
“Thanks to Action4Schools and the people of Gibraltar for saving the lives of poor vulnerable people in Sierra Leone, West Africa,” the charity said.
“We are very happy for you and we appreciate you 100% may God continue to richly bless Action4schools and the people of Gibraltar.”
“Long live Action for Schools, Long live the people of Gibraltar and long live Advance Orphanage school.”
Mr Bruzon said donations are always welcome as many more need operations.
“Each operation costs £120 that is £10 a month on a standing order, nothing for us,” he said.
“Zero impact on our spending, huge impact on their lives.”
To donate or set up a direct debit or standing order these are the necessary payment details:
Action4schools-Sierra Leone
Account 48084352 – Sort Code 60-60-60