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Analytical work starts as Gorham’s excavations come to an end

Thousands of bones and artefacts excavated from Gorham’s and Vanguard caves this summer will now be studied in the laboratories at the Gibraltar Museum.

This year the excavations at the Gorham’s cave complex World Heritage Site have lasted for two months and three areas have been worked in the two caves.

“The highlight of the season was the discovery of a Neanderthal tooth,” the government said in a statement.

“No further remains have been found so far but much of the archaeological level awaits excavation.”

The excavations involved researchers from many countries.

There has been a strong contingent of students from Liverpool John Moores University, with whom the Gibraltar Museum enjoys long-term collaboration.

The government offered details of the excavations following a recent visit to the site by Dr John Cortes, the Minister for Heritage and the Environment.

Dr Cortes was shown round the site by the Gibraltar Museum team led by Professor Clive Finlayson, Dr Geraldine Finlayson, Mr Stewart Finlayson and Mr Marcello Sanguinetti of the Ministry for Heritage.

“I hadn’t been to Gorham’s cave for some time, and I was impressed both at the improvements to the archaeological operation and the amount of material that is constantly emerging,” Dr Cortes said.

“It is a world class site and I have no doubt at all that there are many hugely important discoveries to come.”
“I look forward to the opening of the new interpretation centre and viewing platform so that the importance, and the beauty, of the site can be enjoyed by many more.”