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Announcement on new housing imminent, Picardo says

A detailed announcement regarding the construction of further affordable homes will be made before the end of September, the Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo told Parliament yesterday.

Mr Picardo confirmed the news during a question and answer session and said “the changes and the technical issues” that gave rise to the delay in making an announcement sooner “will be apparent then”.

In her budget address in June the Minister for Housing, Samantha Sacramento explained that there had been a delay due to technical reasons of infrastructure.

“Infrastructure is an important preliminary issue and we wanted to get every detail right before making any further announcements,” she said at the time.

“This may affect the footprint of the new development to some extent but not in a way that will be disadvantageous.”

“I expect that the technical advice and the administrative process will be complete before the end of this year and…that we will be in a position to have started the process of selling our new flats and give so many people the opportunity to be home owners once again.”

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