Bethlehem Light of Peace
The Mayor, Carmen Gomez, will receive the Bethlehem Light of Peace this Saturday at 11am at the Mayor’s Parlour, City Hall, on behalf of the people of Gibraltar.
The light will be presented by the Scouts’ Association (Gibraltar Branch), as is now traditional, following its collection from the Movimiento Scouts Catolicos, Delegacίon de Jerez.
Scouts will then take the light to the Cathedrals of Saint Mary the Crowned and Holy Trinity, and indeed to any person or organisation that appreciates the significance of the light.
“The aim of the campaign is to include as many in the community as possible and for all to embrace the light and peace message, a message which encourages Scouts to actively create peace in their environment by accepting people of different ethnic, cultural, political and religious groups,” said a statement from the mayor.
The Peace Light from Bethlehem campaign is now in its 36th year and was originally organised by the Austrian Broadcasting Company - ORF (Linz) and was part of a large charitable relief mission called Light into Darkness, for children in need in Austria and abroad.
Since 1986 there has been a great deal of co-operation between Scouts and Guides in many countries which has allowed the Light to travel throughout Europe, such that the light is passed on in 23 European Countries and for the past few years also including North America, Mexico and Canada. Each year, a child from Upper Austria kindles a flame from the "Eternal Flame" from the Nativity Grotto in Bethlehem where Jesus was born.
The light is then flown to Austria from where it is distributed at a Service of Dedication to Delegations from across Europe who take it back, with a message of Peace, to their own countries for use at ecumenical services throughout the Continent.
Ms Gomez also took the opportunity to “wish everyone a blessed Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.”
A Scout’s Christmas Wish
So may this light of peace today that has travelled many miles,
Bring joy and hope to many, and fill each face with smiles.
So may every heart and home continue through the year,
To feel the warmth and wonder of this season of good cheer.
And may it bring us closer to God and to each other,
With every stranger known as friend, whether Sister or a Brother.