Call for artists in Gibraltar-Greece artist residency
Applications are open for an art residency in Greece, Gibraltar Cultural Services has announced.
GCS is organising the Gibraltar-Artist Residency in Greece 2020 and the cultural programme is organised in conjunction with Plan B International Artist Studios directed by artist Francis Gomila.
The residency focuses on mentoring mid-career and younger artists, to energise and sharpen their artistic direction with a special emphasis on how to advance their professional career.
The two-week residency will be based at Plan B, with artists spending part of the time at an artist studio in Athens.
The two artists selected to take part from Gibraltar, will be required to travel to Athens from the July 10 to July 25, 2020.
Local artists wishing to apply to participate are required to do so via email at:
Artists are required to submit a CV and statement detailing recent projects, a portfolio with samples of works and a brief description of their interest in this particular residency.
For further information contact Plan B via email or visit their website: or alternatively contact GCS Cultural Development Unit on 20079750.
Closing date for applications is Friday, March 27.