Cancer Relief 40th Anniversary celebrations
This year Cancer Relief will mark its 40th anniversary and as part of the special anniversary is inviting everyone to join in celebrating this achievement and help fundraise so that it can continue to care for those affected by cancer in Gibraltar for many more years.
“A milestone the charity is looking forward to celebrating with our community who have always been so supportive of our work,” said a statement from the charity.
A programme of events for the year has been drawn up starting with it annual fundraiser Pancake Day which takes place on February 21 at the Calpe Rowing Club.
Other events include Med Steps challenge on April 1; Moorish Castle lighting up in the charity’s colours on April 3 to 10; ‘Walk through our history’ exhibition and gala night on April 4 to 14; children’s fun day on May 20; flag day on September 15; biggest coffee morning September 29 and the ruby ball at the Sunborn on October 21.
"I am so proud of what the charity has achieved in its 40-year history,” said Marisa Desoiza, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
“When considering the growth of the charity I am reminded of the phrase "mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow" as we started with one nurse caring for a few patients in one room and we now employ a team of 19 staff who support over 500 people a year, both patients and their loved ones, through one or more of our 14 services.”
“Throughout these four decades, Cancer Relief has benefited from the generous support from the community and its marvellous teams of volunteers.”
“This has enabled the charity to go from strength to strength reaching out to more and more people from the Cancer Relief Centre. For this we are extremely thankful to everyone who, in any way supports the charity.”
“We hope to be able to be there for everyone who needs us in the years to come".
For more information on how to get involved, contact Cancer Relief on 20042392, email or contact them via social media pages.