Cancer Relief Gibraltar gears up for Flag Day after two-year break
Cancer Relief will be holding its flag day once again this Friday, October 15.
Volunteers will be out and about in town so anyone wishing to donate may do so at one of their Flag Day tables.
“When the Covid 19 pandemic hit Gibraltar in early 2020, people with cancer were one of the vulnerable groups that had to shield in order to protect themselves from acquiring the infection,” the charity said.
“Cancer Relief’s role to support those affected by cancer became even more important at a time when their fears were heightened by Covid 19.”
“Most of our services were adapted so that we could continue to support our service-users virtually and where face to face support was necessary by adhering to public health rules with the use of PPE.”
The charity’s Chairperson Marisa Desoiza said she was pleased to be able to hold a flag day for the first time in two years.
“We know that the support we give to those who have cancer and to their families can be of great benefit to those affected by this illness,” Ms Desoiza said.
“Cancer Relief wants to continue to provide this much needed care and support to people in Gibraltar and we can only do this through your donations so please be generous this Friday.”
Anyone who wishes to donate but will not be in town on Friday may still do so online by visiting Cancer Relief’s website and clicking the ‘Make a Donation’ page to find the charity’s bank details.