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Children learn yoga in summer programme

Pics by Eyleen Gomez

Kationa Natto, a qualified yoga teacher who has also studied yoga for children, gave a group of seven children a yoga class in the end vault of the GEMA art gallery on Tuesday morning.

The class forms part of the GSLA’s summer programme.

She told the Chronicle about the importance of teaching children yoga at a young age.

“It’s important to teach them young, and we teach them the poses for the fun bit, but it is also what we try to teach adults and that is yoga is so much about off the mat,” she said.

“And, when we tell them about the crazy and the monkey mind is to help them with their thoughts and children at a very young age are great at that.”

“To know that there are these tools that they can use and their breath. And their thoughts even if they are having an angry moment or sad moment that it is ok. We all have them.”

“If we teach them that at a young age imagine what kind of adults they will be,” she added.

Sarah, 4, loves yoga and likes doing the poses the most.

Her favourite pose she said was one where she has to balance on one foot, bend the other knee and hold it up behind her.

She practices yoga with her Mum and Dad at home too she said.

Hayden, 6, also likes yoga and while she couldn’t say what she really liked about it other that everything, she was able to say her favourite pose was downward dog.

She also likes to practices yoga at home with her family.

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