CM meets with Italian ambassador to London, Inigo Lambertini
The Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo, met the Italian Ambassador to London, Inigo Lambertini for lunch on Monday at the Italian Embassy at Grosvenor Square.
Discussions during the lunch explored opportunities for increasing trade between Italy and Gibraltar in the context of the strong cultural links between various cities and ports in Italy from which many Gibraltarians are descended.
The lunch was also attended by the Gibraltar representative in London, Dominique Searle, who had made all arrangements and Peter Canessa, Principal Private Secretary of the Chief Minister'sOffice.
The Ambassador was accompanied by Nicolò Biscottini, First Secretary, Chief of Staff to the Ambassador and Umberto Bernardo, Head of the Economic Office of the Embassy.
"It was a real pleasure to have the opportunity to discuss the potential to grow trade between Italy and Gibraltar in a post Brexit situation, and the different permutations that could take,” said Mr Picardo.
“It was particularly interesting to reflect on the Italian heritage and provenance of so many of our people and the aspirations for a closer relationship with Europe going forward, despite Brexit, in the areas of Schengen access and free movement of goods.”
“I look forward to continuing this fruitful dialogue."