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Convent Fair delivers solid support for Girl Guiding Gibraltar and GibSams

Convent Cheques presentation 04-07-18 (Photo John Bugeja) by the Convent Christmas Fair Committee and Mrs Davis handing over two cheques of £6250 to the two beneficiaries Girl Guiding Gibraltar and Samiritans

Lorraine Davis, the Governor’s wife and President of Girl Guiding Gibraltar, presented both Girl Guiding Gibraltar and GibSams with a cheque for £6,250 each yesterday.

The money raised during the Convent Christmas Fair.

Marie Bocarisa, the commissioner for Girl Guides in Gibraltar, received the cheque on behalf of Girl Guilding Gibraltar and Marie Lou Guerrero for GibSams.

In presenting the cheques Mrs Davis said: “We are very proud and pleased that we managed to raise the money for GibSams which is a wonderful cause.”

“I am sure it will be put to very good use,” Mrs Davis added.

“There is a big need for that now unfortunately in Gibraltar and it is wonderful that it is building up and we are managing to help with the funding and do what we can. We are very proud of that.”

Ms Guerrero said she was “flabbergasted” at the amount the Convent Christmas Fair raised.

“It is an amazing amount and unfortunately yes GibSams is needed at the moment. It is needed everywhere but GibSams is still being built up, which is always a struggle, and we haven’t even been open up a year yet,” she said.

“But, I think we are doing our best and I think this will help a lot with things, so thank you very, very much.”

Referring to Girl Guiding Gibraltar, Mrs Davis said: “It is always a really good cause to give money to, a wonderful thing for the young people in Gibraltar. It gives them interests in life and teaches them a lot of skills.”

Ms Bocarisa thanked Mrs Davis for the donation and gave an insight into how the money will be spent.

“We have the Brownie hut in the Upper Rock being refurbished, with a completion date of September - October, so this will help us,” she said.

A swift change of clothes and Ms Guerrero was at the Sunborn later receiving a cheque for £9,665 from Charity Skydive Gibraltar.

SkyDive Cheques presentation 04-07-18 (Photo John Bugeja) to Samaritans to the amount of £9665 on behalf of the Charity Skydive Gibraltar.

SkyDive Cheques presentation 04-07-18 (Photo John Bugeja) to Samaritans to the amount of £9665 on behalf of the Charity Skydive Gibraltar.

Speaking on behalf of GibSams and receiving the cheque she called it amazing.

“It is unbelievable that you can jump out of a plane to raise funds and I assure you we will put these funds to very good use,” she said.

“GibSams is very important and we are very grateful to all of you, not just for raising funds but raising awareness, so thank you very much.”

Pics by Johnny Bugeja

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