Covid-19 vaccination continues after over 4,000 doses received
The Gibraltar Health Authority’s Covid-19 vaccination campaign resumed on Thursday morning following the arrival of 4,875 doses of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.
The doses arrived on Wednesday night via an RAF flight and by 5am on Thursday morning the GHA’s pharmacy team began thawing the vaccines.
“The strategy to vaccinate as many of our population as quickly as possible requires two parallel teams work in tandem,” the Government said.
Front line workers receive their jabs at the GHA vaccination centre in St Bernard’s Hospital and the Public Vaccination Centre in the ICC continues to vaccinate individuals over the age of 65 and those who are clinically vulnerable.
“The vaccination centres have been working non-stop since last week,” the Minister for Health, Samantha Sacramento said.
“There was a brief break yesterday while they awaited the arrival of more vaccines.”
“We are very fortunate that we have received a second consignment of the vaccine so soon after the first, and this means that we are able to seamlessly continue with our programme to vaccinate our community against this terrible virus.”
“Thanks to the everyone involved in this continuous operation, especially to the teams involved in the incredibly early starts every morning.”
The GHA reminds anyone over the age of 65 who has not yet been invited for vaccination and who has not previously registered, to do so using the online form via: or contact 20066966 for an appointment.
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