Department of Education announces discretionary scholarships
The Department of Education have announced that 178 discretionary and distance learning applications were successful, with 52 being unsuccessful.
“The Department of Education has done its utmost this academic year to ensure the process is finalised at a significantly earlier point in the calendar so that outcomes can be communicated to individuals sooner than in previous academic years,” a spokesperson for the department of education said.
As a result, approximately 74% of all the applications for funding have been considered successful on the provision that applicants meet the final eligibility checks, do not have any outstanding debts with the government and have provided evidence of having completed all past programmes of study funded by government.
“It is fully understood that applicants benefit from hearing the outcome of their application at the earliest possible opportunity so that they can organise themselves accordingly and finalise their plans.”
“As this particular funding application process is discretionary, and the outcome of an application can be negative, we appreciate that many students will be reluctant to commit to their plans until such point that they have clarity over their individual outcome.”
“For individuals who are unable to meet the financial commitments themselves, their plans cannot proceed without the confirmation that they will be receiving HMGoG funding.”
“Assisting applicants with earlier communication of their outcome has been something the Department of Education has been keen to improve on after the last 2 covid-impacted cycles, so as to give individuals as much time as possible ahead of the new academic year, for them to make any logistical arrangements required for the next stage of their journey.”
The committee considered applications based on the qualification which was to be obtained, the total cost of the course, the funding previously awarded to applicants, the needs of Gibraltar, and whether the applicant had already obtained a qualification at the same level.
The committee also considered the calibre of the application, the needs of the individual applicant with respect to their chosen career path, and whether the applicant would be deemed to be a second chance learner. Funding was then allocated to applicants in rank order.
“The Department of Education will offer advice to those students who may have to review their plans as a result of these outcomes.”
“Although there will be disappointment for those whose applications for funding have not been approved, there will be new opportunities for the vast majority who have received successful outcomes to their application for funding.”
“The Department of Education takes this opportunity to wish all applicants the best of luck in their future endeavours.”
The Minister for Education, John Cortes, said: “I am very pleased that we have been able to deal with these scholarships in a timely manner, and I congratulate all those who have been successful and wish them well as they embark on these further studies.”
“Those who have not should not be discouraged and the Department of Education will be there to advise them on their options.”
“We will have well over 1000 funded students this coming year, possibly more than ever, which once again proves the Government’s commitment to Education and the future of Gibraltar, even in these trying times.”
“I thank the Scholarships Panel for the difficult work that they have done, it is truly appreciated."