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Digging deeper, new Museum wing gives renewed focus to education

The Gibraltar Museum unveiled a new wing including a lab, children’s workshop room and a changeable exhibition area. Plans for the wing began a year ago and the Museum hopes to encourage more visitors with the newly added space.
The children’s workshop room called ‘Digging Deeper’ is a specially made room to host school visits and educational talks.
The Minister for the Environment, Dr John Cortes, formally opened the museum wing yesterday alongside Museum Director Professor Clive Finlayson and the Museum’s Director of Heritage and Environmental Services Dr Geraldine Finlayson.
“This has been great. It almost completes this phase of what the museum is trying to do,” Dr Cortes said yesterday.
“It modernises the exhibit, it increases the amount of material on display by using screens which change all the time they have put a new natural history section and some of the new sections are really going to be popular, for example the displays of planes and ships.”
“One of the more important things that I think is a great idea is having this changeable room which could have a display of something today and in three months you can put in other exhibits.”
“The museum has so much material there is no room to have it all at one time. I think it is absolutely wonderful and I really encourage people to come along and see it.”

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