DPC to debate Sea Breeze floating hotel proposal
Pic by Eyleen Gomez
A proposed five-star floating hotel called Sea Breeze, designed as a vessel to be moored on the north of the Small Boats Marina, will have its draft screening opinion debated at Thursday’s meeting of the Development and Planning Commission.
Also being discussed is the proposed demolition of the existing warehouse and construction of a new residential building at 10 - 18 Lancaster Road and external refurbishment of the façade of 18 Lancaster Road.
The demolition would make way, if permission is granted at a later date, for a new 15-storey residential building.
A design and access statement prepared by Gamma Architects said the proposed scheme ties in with the Gibraltar Government’s plans to redevelop the area away from its traditional industrial use.
Other applications to be presented are the outline planning application for the proposed vertical extension and roof access creating an additional floor in between two party walls at 21 Moorland Mews, Ordnance Wharf, Queensway, and the proposed extension, conversion and refurbishment of the building at 4 Demaya's Ramp.
And the proposed two-storey top floor extension, replacing the existing two-storey extension at the rear with a new enlarged extension, associated internal alterations as well as external swimming pool and associated ancillary works at St Andrew's Manse, 29 Scud Hill.