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Environmental Agency launches new website

The Environmental Agency has launched a new website, aimed at making information more accessible and user friendly.
The launch took place yesterday afternoon with the Minister for Environment Dr John Cortes in attendance, as was members of the EA and website developer Farid Nouar.
“The old website was over 15 years old, it was tired, it looked tired, it was difficult to navigate as well, so I thought it was time to launch a new website,” said Glen Banda, Chief Environmental Health Officer.
He tasked Kevin Desoisa, Environmental Health Officer, with the job of project managing the new website.
“This new website has a fresh brighter look, it has better sub divisional of the pages, it is easier to navigate, the areas where we note that the public have most interest i.e. the bathing water and air quality are on the home page,” said Mr Banda.

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