EU Commission on mission to Gibraltar
A mission from the European Commission will be visiting Gibraltar from 23 – 25 March, 2017.
According to the Gibraltar Government the aim is to see first-hand how EU Structural Funds have aided the Rock and meet with those who work with or have benefitted from the same.
The delegation will consist of Nicolas Gibert-Morin – Head of Unit; DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Michel Wolf – Deputy Head of Unit; DG Regional and Urban Policy, Marc Vermyle – ESF Desk Officer for Gibraltar; DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and Joanne Knight – ERDF Desk Officer for Gibraltar; DG Regional and Urban Policy.
A packed programme has been organised by the Gibraltar EU Programmes Secretariat and will include visiting numerous projects which have been EU co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), Konver Programme and the Interreg Transnational Programmes.
Meetings will also be held with beneficiaries, stakeholders and with Dr Joseph Garcia – Minister with responsibility for Europe and for work related to Brexit.