GBC launches Summer broadcasting camp for young aspiring broadcasters
Photo by Johnny Bugeja.
GBC has announced details of its new Summer broadcasting camp for 10 to 14-year-olds to run for two weeks in July.
Starting on Monday July 17, the camp will see young people take part in all aspects of broadcasting from producing and filming to scripting and presenting.
Summer Camp will encourage participants to work with each other and support reading and writing techniques.
It is expected that this hands-on camp will culminate with their work going on air as part of a series of special summer programmes.
GBC Chief Executive James Neish said: “I would have loved an opportunity like this when I was young and I’m delighted that we are able to make it a reality. Not only will this open up Broadcasting House to a new generation, it will also, I hope, encourage young people to consider Broadcasting as a career.”
“We’re looking for 10 to 14-year-olds who can apply their creativity and step behind the scenes of local TV and Radio.”
The Summer Camp will include both indoor and outdoor activities.
To apply send a 30 second fun video of who you are and why you want to be chosen for GBC’s Summer Camp to WhatsApp +350 200 79760. Applications need to be submitted by Friday June 23. Places are limited.