GHA investigates false negative smear tests
St Bernard's Hospital. Photo by Eyleen Gomez.
The GHA is tracking smear tests which have returned a false negative, the Minister for Health Gemma Arias Vasquez confirmed last Thursday evening.
Mrs Arias Vasquez was live on GBC’s Viewpoint programme fronted by journalist Ros Astengo in a ‘Head to Head’ debate with GSD Shadow Minister Joelle Ladislaus.
Smear tests, also known as cervical screening, check the health of a cervix and help prevent cervical cancer in women.
Mrs Arias Vasquez confirmed that the GHA is aware of the issue.
“We have a gynaecologist who is specifically tracking this issue and she is meeting regularly with the Director of Public health,” Mrs Arias Vasquez said.
She added that she could provide further information when it becomes available.
Under the GHA women between 25 and 65 years are screened to prevent cervical cancer.
According to GHA advice women should book an appointment for screening if they have symptoms such as abnormal bleeding between periods, pain or bleeding during or after intercourse, changes to the look or smell of vaginal discharge, and unexplained ongoing pain in the area between the stomach and lower back.
Appointments for screening can be booked on 20052441.