Gib donations fund bomb shelter in Israel
The Gibraltar-Israel Chamber of Commerce [Gibrael] recently led an initiative to help people living in the south of Israel near the border with the Gaza Strip, who in recent weeks have come under rocket attacks.
Thanks to a number of local donors, the people of the village of Moshav Shokda near the Gaza Strip can now enjoy a colourful shelter to protect them.
Gibrael Chairwoman Ayelet Mamo Shay said: "These concrete shelters allow people who are out and about in the open space to seek refuge in case of a rocket attack."
"The shelters have saved lives numerous times. This specific shelter is positioned next to a children's playground in the village."
"Beautifying it with images from Gibraltar would show the kids that there are people at the other end of the Mediterranean that care about them."
"May the Rock of Gibraltar protect them always from any rockets."