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GibSams calls on cyclists to join 'Cycle Around The Globe 2024' for suicide prevention awareness

GibSams are calling all cyclists to join together and take part in Cycle Around The Globe 2024 to raise funds and awareness of suicide prevention month.

The main purpose of the worldwide challenge is to cycle to raise awareness of the risks of suicide.

The kilometres ridden by the riders would be added together in an attempt to ride the equivalent distance around the globe of 40,075km.

This is not the first time Gibraltar has taken part in the worldwide event. They started in 2018, held another in 2019 and finally in 2021 organised by Ian Howes, a supporter and fundraiser of the charity.

This year the event is being promoted by Stuart Hedley from eBike Gibraltar.

“I was approached by Brenda [Cuby] CEO of Gib Sams, who is a very good friend, she had told me that we'd done this event previously, but it had been a couple of years. 2021 was the last time we were involved it and Ian Howes had been the organizer, and he wasn't available to organise this year, so Brenda was looking for someone new, and we were very pleased to be able to help,” he said Mr Hedley.

“The idea is that we as an aggregate group of cyclists, clock up as many kilometres as possible from September the 10th to October the 10th, with an aim of trying to get enough kilometres to cycle around the globe.”

“Now that number is around 40,000 kilometres. We have been successful in attracting 68 members so far to the group. We publicised throughout all of the different cycle clubs in Gibraltar, obviously on Facebook and various groups to try and attract members, and each member is asked if they are able to donate a minimum of five pounds to GibSams to help with their running costs.”

“But the bigger picture is as part of suicide prevention month raising the profile and awareness of suicides, not just in Gibraltar, but as a sort of global issue,” he added.

The start of the event coincided with World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10 and it will end on October 10, which is World Mental Health day.

So far 68 cyclists have joined the group on Strava, an app used by athletes to track their sports such as
cycling and over 3,400km have been clocked up this week already.

Some cyclists have racked up nearly 400km by themselves alone.

Each member is asked to donate a minimum of five pounds to GibSams to help with their running costs.

Donations are being made directly to the GibSams website, and the total amount raised will be known at the end of the month of the event.

To join the Strava group go to

And to donate to GibSams go to

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