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GibTalks 2019 seek Vox Pop applicants

GibTalks 2019 will take place on Saturday February 2 at the John Mackintosh Hall and the organiser Julian Felice is seeking applications from members of the public to partake in the Vox Pops.

Vox Pops are four different ten-minute slots in which successful applicants will be able to speak about any topics they wish (within particular guidelines), all in keeping with the event’s aim to promote debate and discussion among the local community.

The Gibraltar Cultural Services are working alongside teacher and playwright Mr Felice on GibTalks.

The event is based on the successful TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) series of talks (, Gib Talks will see a range of local speakers deliver fifteen-minute talks on a broad spectrum of subjects with the aim of focusing on the anecdotal, the personal and the light-hearted as opposed to heavy-going academics and agendas.

The speakers will represent a cross-section of the community and will help to make up a rich and varied programme. The short-list for these speakers has already been finalised.

There are a number of different ways in which prospective speakers can express their interest and apply for the Vox Pop slots including via email at, on Facebook via the GibTalks event page, via Twitter @gib_talks or by leaving your name with the Events Department at the Gibraltar Cultural Services, John Mackintosh Hall.

Applications will close on December 3, after which a draw will be held to randomly allocate the four slots.

Successful applicants will be contacted shortly thereafter with conditions and guidelines for their participation.

Pic by Johnny Bugeja

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