Governor puts focus on the community
The Governor, Lieutenant General Edward Davis, has praised the Gibraltarian community describing it as “an example to the World of how to co-exist in hope”.
Lt Gen Davis was speaking on Christmas Day as he delivered his annual message as part of a GBC broadcast.
In doing so he reflected on the importance of dialogue.
He said: “The Book of Genesis’ message is clear and simple: if the World’s myriad races, faiths, cultures and generations are to co-exist in peace, freedom and prosperity we have to first become able to communicate with each other, with an open mind, so we can understand, and make the most of what others have to offer in finding collective solutions to collective problems.”
“As Lorraine and I enjoy the magic of our third Gibraltarian Christmas, it is clear to me, and has been since my early days on the Rock, that Gibraltar not only understands, but also makes the most of the transformative power of human dialogue.”
“Gibraltar has the humility to embrace difference. A humility that lies at the heart of the Rock’s definitive advantage: its inclusive, respectful and generous community. A community that is an example to the World of how to co-exist in hope,” Lt Gen Davis said.
“A community, of which, [his wife] Lorraine and I are deeply proud and regard ourselves as very lucky to be a part of.”
Acknowledging that many will be working for at least part of the holiday period, he said: “To you, I offer a particular heartfelt thank-you for keeping the wheels of the Rock turning while the rest of us savour some precious time away from work with those that we love and cherish.”
“We are also all especially indebted to Gibraltar’s dedicated and dependable law enforcement, first responder, military, healthcare and charitable organisations that will be working throughout the holiday period to protect and sustain our community.”
“Day in, day out, their selfless service is as vital as it is appreciated. Thank you to each and every one of them for putting their community first.”