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Govt suspends Bluefin tuna open season after two weeks

The Gibraltar Government on Monday suspended the Atlantic Bluefin tuna open season just over two weeks into the season.

The suspension comes as sports fisherman caught 72 tuna totalling over 13.5 tonnes within the first two weeks of the season.

The quota for this years season is 25 tonnes, meaning more than half of the quota has been caught so far.

The Department of the Environment announced that the Bluefin tuna Open Season has been suspended as from noon Monday, July 3.

The tuna weighing station closed at 3pm on Monday.

A team comprising of Steven Segui, Ferran Cañadillas Castells and Robert Payas aboard MV Ocean Destiny, were some of the last sports fishermen to catch a tuna ahead of the season being suspended.

The team caught a 258kg tuna at around 10.50am and had the fish onboard by around 12.30pm.

The season will reopen again on August 6, 2023.

Anglers are also reminded that the capture and landing of any Bluefin tuna is not allowed during the closed season.

The Department’s Environmental Protection and Research Unit, along with other authorities, said it will be monitoring activity at sea and marinas during this time.