Govt to open three new Learning Support Facilities
Photo by Eyleen Gomez
Children with special education needs and disabilities will be able to start their education in their catchment areas after the Gibraltar Government on Monday announced the opening of three new Learning Support Facilities (LSFs) in September.
The additional support will be available at St Mary’s Lower Primary School, St Paul’s Lower Primary School and St Joseph’s Lower Primary School.
“Up to now, children who have benefited from existing LSFs have had to attend schools outside their catchment areas, sometimes different to those attended by their siblings,” a statement from No.6 Convent Place said.
“Families have welcomed this initiative since all siblings will attend a school within the same area and families can now enjoy the journey to school together.”
“Children will have the opportunity to interact in school with children from within the area in which they live.”
This initiative will also reduce Gibraltar’s carbon footprint, there will be fewer cars on the roads, and journeys will be shorter with more children will now able to walk to and from their school every day, the Government statement added.
“We continue with more and more initiatives that improve what we offer children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND), who have never been better provided for,” the Minister for Education, Dr John Cortes, said.
“This will be of great benefit to the families, and most especially to the children.”
“I am really pleased with this.”