GSD questions urgency in demolition of Queens Cinema
The GSD has called on the Government not to rush the demolition of the Queens Cinema when a general election could be just ‘weeks away’.
In a statement the GSD said that the Government’s confirmation that the demolition is ‘imminent’ is “typical of a Government that is not prepared to listen and doggedly intent on destruction for no environmental gain.”
GSD Leader, Keith Azopardi, said: “The demolition is only going to create 23 temporary spaces,” adding that the party has already said that if it is elected to Government the façade will be retained, the building refurbished and the site saved for arts and culture.
“What is the point of demolishing this now when the site has remained fallow for years? It will deprive people of an electoral choice and is simply wanton destruction of a building that has been used for years for entertainment and has a place in the cultural memory of this community,” he added.
“There is surely no urgency now unless there is pressure from the prospective developer? If there is no pressure then it should not be demolished and people should be allowed to make a choice at the next election.”
“The site has been used for cultural purposes for decades. It has been the Queen’s Cinema for 50 years and before then was used for the Assembly rooms. It should remain as a cultural site by retaining its use as a theatre, for musical or other events.”