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GSD says warden arrangements at Albert Risso House ‘not fit for purpose’

The GSD has thrown its weight behind the elderly tenants of Albert Risso House over its warden arrangements and, simultaneously, slammed the Government for failing to proactively deal with the issue.

According to the GSD, the current warden arrangements are “not fit for purpose” and there are no workable proposals on the table to provide the support that the elderly residents deserve.

“The Government’s failure to proactively deal with this issue demonstrates that the elderly, who should be at the top of the Government’s agenda, are at the bottom of the pile,” the party said in a statement.

The GSD said that despite the former GSD Government’s commitment to improving the provision of wardens at Albert Risso House three months before the GSLP/Liberals were elected into office, the current administration has failed to deal with this issue and take seriously the concerns of the some of the most vulnerable members of society.

“Wardens serve an important and critical role in Government accommodation particularly with the elderly and it is high time the Government tackle the hitherto inconsistent approach to care being experienced across the board by our elderly.”

“It is clear that the Government have failed the residents of Albert Risso House by simply ignoring their longstanding and repeated requests.”

Additionally, the GSD said it receives worrying examples of risks to the health, safety and welfare of the elderly residents of ARH, a significant majority of which have disability or mobility related issues.

Shadow Minister for Housing, Elliott Phillips, said: “It is seriously disappointing that citizens who have worked all their lives and who have made important contributions to our community are treated to unacceptable levels of delay in relation to their calls for improved support by wardens at Albert Risso House.”

“How can it take seven years for the Government to review with a view to improving and meeting the needs of the elderly? Surely our elderly citizens deserve better?”

Mr Phillips went on to say: “The treatment afforded to our elderly citizens on this issue, is the tip of the iceberg and illustrative of a Government inability to deal with a relatively straightforward housing issue.”

“It also worryingly demonstrates that domestic issues are being sacrificed at the altar of Brexit. The GSD will ensure that all our elderly housing stock is sufficiently resourced with residential wardens who will be trained specifically in the area of elderly care.”

“Our elderly deserve better.”

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