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GTA survey finds 92% of teachers on the Rock want pay increase

The vast majority of teachers surveyed by the Gibraltar Teachers Association do not think their salaries are competitive with other professions. A total of 92% of teachers surveyed by the GTA have called for a new teachers’ pay and conditions document to be negotiated.

The GTA conducted the survey earlier this year in order to determine the level of satisfaction of teachers on a number of issues about Gibraltar’s education system.

The survey attracted a 57% response rate representing 216 participants.

The survey found that 85% of teachers surveyed did not think that salaries are competitive with other professions, with 82% saying that they were not paid at a level appropriate for their skills and experience.

Nearly half (47%) want a document that reflects the one in the UK, but with flexibility to adapt to Gibraltar’s economic model, while the remaining 45% want a unique document, which is tailor-made for teachers in Gibraltar.

And as a result less than half of teachers surveyed (44%) said that they would recommend teaching as a career.

The survey found that workload is the biggest concern teachers have about their job, followed by curriculum reform and working conditions.

Indeed, 87% of respondents said their workload has increased over the last year, with 98% saying they had worked outside of normal hours to keep up with their workload.

“This clearly shows that productivity is continuously outstripping pay,” the GTA said in a statement.

“With a normal working week of 30 hours, for which teachers get a minimum 10% Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time, 44% said they worked between 45-55 hours a week on average, with more than one in ten (11%) saying they worked over 55 hours a week.”

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