Health Ministry launches survey for GHA Mental Health Services
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The Minister for Health, Samantha Sacramento, has launched a survey to sample the views of members of the public who have used the GHA’s Mental Health Services.
“The survey welcomes honest opinions, comments and suggestions from the public and their families who have accessed these services,” No.6 Convent Place said in a statement.
The results of the survey will help to inform as to how these services can be improved as part of the Gibraltar Mental Health Strategy.
The GHA Mental Health Services include:
• Ocean Views Adult Mental Health - including inpatient (ward stays) and outpatient (appointments in clinic) care
• Young Peoples Mental Health Team (previously Gibraltar Young Minds): services for 0-18 yrs
• Community Mental Health Team
• Mental Health Liaison Nurse (seen in A&E)
• Primary Care Centre (PCC) – GP appointments or appointments with Community Psychiatrist Nurses and Approved Mental Health Professionals
• Allied Mental Health professionals, Counsellors and/or Psychologists.
The Satisfaction Survey for GHA Mental Health Services will be open until September 30, 2021 and can be accessed online here:
For anyone unable to complete this online, a printed version will be available at St Bernard’s Hospital Reception; Ocean Views Reception; Clubhouse; and Citizen’s Advice Bureau.
Completed surveys can be returned to any of the four collection points.
“Since I became Minister for Health one year ago, I have made Mental Health one of the top priorities,” Ms Sacramento said.
“We have undertaken a lot of methodical work with a view to transforming the GHA’s Mental Health services by better coordinating our existing services and resources.”
“We have spent the last year undertaking a lot of consultation and as part of our desire and journey to improve, we would like to hear from everyone who has been a user of any of our GHA Mental Health services.”
“We have already spoken to many patients and users of the service; but the more people who we speak to the further we can improve Gibraltar’s Mental Health Service.”
“I thank all those patients and families who have spoken to us already and I encourage everyone who has been a mental health patient, a user of the GHA’s Mental Health Services and their families to engage with us through this survey.”