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Man arrested after dramatic crash on Devil’s Tower Road

Devil’s Tower Road was closed to traffic for more than four hours yesterday morning when a collided with the central railings and overturned.

A 21-year old man was yesterday arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving and is currently on police bail.

The car was travelling westbound when the driver lost control and collided with the central reservation, a Royal Gibraltar Police spokesman said.

Extensive damage was caused to the railings and to the vehicle, with photographs of the aftermath of the incident circulating on social media.

The driver and his three male passengers escaped injuries, but were still taken to St Bernard’s Hospital.

A statement from the RGP said: “This single incident meant the road had to be closed for over four hours while the vehicle occupants were attended to, the vehicle was made safe and the initial investigation and subsequent clean-up was carried out.”

There was a multi-agency response with some 12 officers called to deal with the incident as well as a Fire and Rescue Service appliance, two GHA ambulances and Highways and GibElec personnel.

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