Mediterranean MPs share views on Covid crisis
A delegation from the Gibraltar Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is currently participating in the 49th Regional Conference of the British Islands and Mediterranean Region.
Organised by CPA Malta, the conference is being held virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic, with branches from the region joining via video link.
Attending as a group and based in the Gibraltar Parliament, the Gibraltar delegation is represented by the Leader of the delegation Samantha Sacramento, Steven Linares and Opposition Members Edwin Reyes and Roy Clinton.
The Conference theme this year is ‘The role of Parliamentarians in times of crisis’ and the conference focuses on the Covid-19 pandemic and how this has impacted the parliaments in the region.
“This is meant to review and reflect on the realities that legislatures have had to face in the past few months,” said a statement from the Gibraltar CPA.
“The Conference takes the form of a series of plenary sessions addressed by invited speakers on selected relevant topics followed by workshops in which delegates are invited to contribute and discuss.”
Today is the final day of the conference.