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Minister for Education meets head students

The Minister for Education, Dr John Cortes, met with the head students and deputy head students of Gibraltar College, Westside and Bayside, as he does every year, to discuss educational matters.

Present at the meeting with the Minister were Erika Goncalves, Amy MacMichael, Mattey Celecia, Eva Devincenzi and Sebastian Diaz Mateos.

As it happens these are the last Year 13 students of the single-gender intakes for Westside and Bayside, which gave an opportunity for a discussion on their transition to co-education as they had seen it.

Among other matters also discussed were the impact of the Covid year, and ideas for developing the Gibraltar Education system further, with a number of possible changes discussed.

“I always find these discussions with students to be incredibly valuable and critically important to me,” said Dr Cortes.

“They are experiencing the Learning process from the front line and their views need to be seriously considered in developing Education policy. We are very fortunate in Gibraltar to have excellent schools and teachers, and dedicated and responsible young people who are the key to Gibraltar’s future.”