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Ministry of Equality delivers equality, diversity and inclusion training at the University of Gibraltar

The Ministry of Equality delivered a presentation on equality matters with a focus on disability and gender to the current cohort of Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) students at the University of Gibraltar.

Marlene Dalli from the Ministry of Equality and Jenny Victory from the Supported Needs and Disability Office delivered a full day’s training on a number of key equality issues, including diversity, inclusion and belonging, gender stereotypes, unconscious bias, disability language and etiquette and neurodevelopmental issues.

“Equality and inclusion are an integral part of the PGCE course, and the Ministry of Equality was well placed to deliver this element of the course at the University of Gibraltar,” said a statement from the Government.

Similar presentations having been delivered annually to the PGCE’s cohort since 2019 and a total of 88 PGCE students have, to date, have completed the training.

The Ministry of Equality was also invited earlier this year to participate in the Department of Education’s in-service days for all education staff held earlier this year.

Minister for Equality, Christian Santos, said he was very pleased that staff from the Ministry of Equality and from the Supported Needs and Disability Office were invited to deliver the training.

“Addressing equality issues with future teachers who will play a key role in promoting key values of social justice and social inclusion is important as this will better inform their practice,” he said.

“It is vital that we continue to promote equality and that we continue to work with as many key stakeholders as possible.”