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Multi-agency approach on ‘child mental health’

Child mental health care was recently addressed at a Gibraltar Government multi-agency meeting.
The committee aims to make better use of available resources, improve inter-agency coordination and address training needs.
Government ministers Dr John Cortes and Neil Costa, who hold office for education and health, jointly chaired the meeting.
Representatives from the Gibraltar Health Authority, the Care Agency, the Education Department and the Youth Service also attended the meeting.
“We have to do all that we can to help young people with mental health needs -potentially that is every child and young person. I have no doubt that the excellent, committed professionals that we have in Gibraltar are the people best placed to guide us in achieving this. This committee will achieve real results,” said the Minister for Education, John Cortes.
Local non-government organisations with an interest in mental health will also be asked to contribute to the process.
“I am delighted to see how the welfare of children and adolescents is being pushed right to the top of the Government’s agenda,” said the Minister for Health, Neil Costa.
“We have formed a solid partnership with other Government departments and agencies to further this cause, backed by a nucleus of mental health experts who are fully behind our endeavours to further develop these services for our young people.”

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