National Day boat procession and shop window competition set to go ahead
The Self Determination for Gibraltar Group has announced the Boat Procession and shop window competition will be organised as part of the National Celebrations.
The procession will be held on Tuesday, September 8 at 7.30pm.
The event is being organised by the Rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Europe with the assistance of the Royal Gibraltar Police the Gibraltar Port Authority, the Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Services, HM Customs, the Gibraltar Defence Police and the Department of Environment.
The event will entail the blessing of the sea and vessels and will serve as a remembrance of all those who have lost their lives at sea.
The intention is for all boat owners to follow in procession to the South Mole where the laying of natural flowers will take place.
This is an open invitation to everyone in Gibraltar, regardless of their religious orientation. Any boat owner interested in taking part should contact Steven Segui on 58286000 or email:
Alternatively, they can meet at 7pm at Mid Harbours Marina, Peter Isola Promenade, on the day.
The procession will commence at 7.30pm and members of the public are encouraged to take their Gibraltar flags and only bring natural flowers.
The Self Determination for Gibraltar Group are reminding the general public of the Shop Window competition as part of the National Celebrations for 2020.
Entry forms can be collected and handed back when completed, at the John Mackintosh Hall reception, Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm.
The theme is Gibraltar National Day with all entries required to display the red and white colours prominently, if not exclusively.
Originality of decoration, time, effort and impact will form the criteria upon which the judges will select the three winners.
Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winning entries.
Closing Date for entries is Friday, August 21.
For further information please contact the Events Department at Gibraltar Cultural Services on telephone 20067236 or email: