A new Fire Control Operator for the Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service
Fire Control Operator (FCO) Tyronne Garcia has joined the Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service (GFRS) Emergency Control Room Team.
Mr Garcia has successfully completed the FCO’s intense induction training programme conducted locally.
Throughout the duration of this training programme, FCO Garcia has been developing his skills and knowledge in order to be able to deal effectively with all fire and ambulance related calls received at the GFRS' emergency control room.
He has been mentored and coached throughout the training sessions and great emphasis has been placed on Emergency Call Handling Protocols and the importance of adhering to the recommended core functions that include, timely, accurate and relevant information gathering, managing inbound and outbound communications and incident management in support of deployed emergency responders at the incident ground.
Essential caller interrogation and reassuring techniques are also an integral part of his foundation training. This is vital for the successful resolution of incidents or emergencies.
The Gibraltar Fire and Rescue Service wished Fire Control Operator Tyronne Garcia a successful and prosperous career with the organisation.