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New NASUWT General Secretary announced

Following the conclusion of the nomination process to identify the candidate for the election of the NASUWT General Secretary, the Union is very pleased to announce that Dr Patrick Roach was the successful candidate.

Dave Kitchen, NASUWT National President, said: "I am delighted that the NASUWT have elected an extremely experienced trade unionist who has demonstrated his integrity in everything he does and has a clear insight into the issues facing teachers today.

"I am sure that Patrick Roach will lead our Union very effectively and pragmatically into the future."

Dr Patrick Roach, NASUWT General Secretary (Designate), said: "I am honoured to be chosen to be the next General Secretary of the NASUWT.”

"I can think of no greater opportunity than to have the fantastic job of being General Secretary of the Union that is dedicated to putting teachers first.”

"There is no job more important in our world today than teaching and I will be proud to lead the union that is the representative voice of teachers across the UK, the Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Gibraltar.”

"I am grateful to the National Executive and local associations across the country for their endorsement and support.”

"And, I want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to NASUWT members for the important work they do each and every day to make a world of difference to the lives of children and young people."

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