‘Outstanding achievement’ as CyberCenturions shortlisted for UK STEM award
CyberCenturion School Competition19-01-18 18-01-18 (Photo John Bugeja) The final round of the CyberCenturion competition at the University of Gibraltar , with twenty six teams taking part. Some of the teams are divided into schools, Bayside and Westside.
The Bayside School CyberCenturion Club has been shortlisted for this year’s Stem Inspirational Awards, a UK initiative that aims to raise young people’s engagement and achievement in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
The CyberCenturion club, which is led by Bayside teacher Stewart Harrison, was shortlisted for the Oustanding STEM Club award, which is designed to reward sustained and long-term engagements.
The Centurions will be represented at the award ceremony in the House of Lords today by four students from Bayside and Westside who have been involved with the STEM Club at Bayside, as well as by Mr Harrison.
The award is sponsored by The Science and Technology Facilities Council and will be presented by Lord Sainsbury of Turville.
BAE systems, Cisco, RAF, Siemens and the University of St Andrews are all previous winners of STEM Awards.
The Gibraltar Government congratulated all the teachers and students involved in the CyberCenturion club and said being shortlisted alongside other STEM clubs representing UK schools was “an outstanding achievement” for the Bayside School Cyber Centurion Club.
“This is an incredible and well-earned achievement for our Gibraltar CyberCenturion Club and I congratulate all the teachers and students, under the leadership of Stewart Harrison,” said Dr John Cortes, the Minister for Education.
“It shows their commitment and ability - and there is much more to come.”