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Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Gibraltar's 'Turn it Purple Campaign' a success

The Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Gibraltar ‘Turn it Purple Campaign’ carried out during the month of November was hailed a success by organisers.

“Our campaign was tremendously successful in raising awareness of pancreatic cancer and its symptoms to the community which is absolutely the charity’s main objective,” said Louis Baldachino from the charity.

“Our “Purple Relay” event was an outstanding success with a fantastic support from the GHA, Public Health and Cancer Relief,” he added giving a special mention to the four runners completing the relay.

“The event had an extensive coverage in local media and massively raised awareness of pancreatic cancer. Our campaign in GBC TV and radio also had a great impact in raising awareness and so was the lighting up in purple of the Moorish Castle,” said Mr Baldachino.

“It was magical and emotional to see so many corporate firms, schools, supermarkets, shops, petrol stations, pharmacies and restaurants supporting the charity’s ‘Wear Purple Day’ by having their staff wearing purple on World Pancreatic Cancer Day (WPCD).”

He added that that day also had support from the GHA for the charity’s ‘Purple Awareness Day’ outside St Bernard’s hospital with its stand visited by many members of the public and by GHA’s Director General and the Nursing Services Director and Primary Care’s Clinical Nurse Manager.

In addition to the relay other sports got involved and GTTA organised a very successful table tennis tournament at MUGA sports complex raising a “fabulous” amount towards the charity.
“We also significantly remembered all the loved ones who passed away to this cruel disease with a mass celebrated in remembrance at the cathedral officiated by the Bishop and Fr Victor,” said Mr Baldachino.

“We can only say we were overwhelmed by the community support we received for all our events and initiatives, and we say a big thank you to everyone.”

The year is not over yet and the charity still have one more fundraiser with the GAAA Boxing Day run.

“Get rid off those extra kilos gained over Christmas and join us in the 3km fun run/walk or even be brave enough to compete in the 11km run,” said Mr Baldachino.

Registration is from 9.30am at Casemates and the races will start at 10am.

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