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Poetry Competition 2024 Best Poem in the Spanish Language Soleda

Photo by Johnny Bugeja

by Teresa Mascarenhas

lecho de agua marina
golpe de sal en la mirada

un cuenco vacio al fondo
un árbol sin aire

la tarde yerma
con su derrumbe de pájaros

cielo extraño que
muda piel

hace del hombre
animal de costumbre
escama de tiempo

a oscuras
la única luz
se vuelve olvido

Judge’s Comment: Spanish Language Winner
There was something quite Lorquiano about this brief poem, full of depth and relating the human condition to the passing of time and the full awe at nature. There is a strength and confidence in the construction of the poem itself, with all its room to breathe as it manages to capture so much with an economy of words.

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