RGP appeals to public to highlight antisocial driving
The Royal Gibraltar Police is urging the public to get in touch to highlight areas of antisocial driving as it aims to crack down on motorists committing driving offences.
In their first deployment, officers spent five evenings in the Mid Harbour Estate and Peter Isola Promenade area, following complaints from local residents about bad driving.
During the crackdown, the officers set up Operation Drive Safe checkpoints and reported drivers for 26 offences during the hours of 5pm and 1am.
These included speeding, dangerous driving and using mobile phones whilst driving a vehicle.
Officers from the Roads Policing Unit and the Op Trojan Unit reported one offence of dangerous driving, 11 of speeding, six learners carrying passengers, six people who were found not using L plates and two individuals for using mobile phines.
Sergeant Aaron Ignacio, from the Roads Policing Unit, said: “Our Drive Safe deployments are focused and built on intelligence and complaints received from the general public.”
“We will be continuing with our Drive Safe campaign at different locations, depending on the information we receive from the public in the following months.”
During their latest deployment this week, RGP officers teamed up with Gibraltar Defence Police officers to tackle driving offences and derelict vehicles on Dockyard Road, following complaints about driving in the area.
To highlight an area for officers to monitor, email: roadspolicing@royalgib.police.gi.