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Sacramento attends meeting of CPA Regional Working Group at Westminster

Samantha Sacramento 02-08 -18 (Photo John Bugeja) interview on domestic violence

Minister for Housing and Equality Samantha Sacramento has participated in a Commonwealth Parliamentary Association regional working group in Westminster.

Ms Sacramento leads the Gibraltar Parliament in Commonwealth Parliamentary Association delegations and attended the meeting of the British Islands and Mediterranean Region which has been set up to focus on strengthening parliaments in the region.

This working group is an outcome of the CPA regional conference held in Gibraltar in 2017 and is tasked with producing a strategy for the region for ratification at next year’s regional conference.

The aim of the strategy is to promote closer relations among the branches and members of the region as well as with other regions of the Commonwealth.

Ms Sacramento said: “Brexit has provided the impetus for the setting up of this working group and for the time being will be a predominant theme of the strategy.”

“The Commonwealth is an important trading partner, particularly for those countries who form part of our CPA region given the effect of Brexit on all of us.”

“The aim is for this process to provide a vehicle for better communication and sharing of best practice and increasing cooperation.”

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