Teachers concerned about classroom temperatures
File photo dated 03/12/03 showing primary school pupils during a lesson. More than a quarter of children starting primary school lack basic literacy skills, new research shows. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Tuesday July 31, 2018. Communication skills such as being able to talk about events in the past or future were missing in 28% of four-and-five-year-olds. See PA story POLITICS Literacy. Photo credit should read: Barry Batchelor/PA Wire
Teachers have alerted their union NASUWT to concerns regarding high temperatures and a lack of ventilation in classrooms
According to NASUWT these concerns are coming from various schools.
“Some of the classrooms have reached temperatures as high as 32°C with teachers and pupils having to go out for a drink and getting some fresh air, causing disruptions to lessons,” said a statement from the Union.
In addition, it stated that “last year we experienced a cold winter spell with classrooms registering temperatures as low as 10°C because of inadequate heating equipment.”
The Union said it had reassurances from the Minister of Education, Dr John Cortes, that heaters are being sorted and that they should not see a repeat of last year’s issues with teachers and pupils having to work under such unacceptably low temperatures.
“Inadequate or a lack of temperature control in classrooms remains a concern and we hope that this problem will not continue to occur in the new schools,” the Union statement said.
“Gibraltar NASUWT will be providing members with thermometers and we will continue to monitor temperatures in classrooms for the sake of our members and most importantly our pupils,” it added.